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eLearning and Survey kit

Easily build survey or full courseware
Nog geen beoordelingen
Vanaf $ 8,00 / maand

eLearning and Survey kit overzicht

Add Multi select text or graphic answers and an optional feedback text
Get table with student's scores (option to allow few trials and set score to be higher if user finds it with less trials)
Only teacher role will see all students names and the number of selections for each answer
Previous / Next buttons to navigate between questions
If you want to add survey to your site, or use it as courseware, this app will let you add to any screen in your site some answers. You set the explanation ad question in any wix objects. You can use text or grphic as the App answers. It will enable the site members to select the answer/s by clicking it. You can set to show predefined feedback, your own one, or none. You can set the number of answers in each screen (its a wix repeater). You can choose to let the end user to try many times until he gets the right answer (it's score will be higher if he finds it with less trials) or allow one trial. The App will save students' answers, calculate their scores, and show it in a table. When you set a user to "Teacher" role he will see each student's name, answers & score. Teacher & site owner can see also how many users selected each answer. Optional Predefined Previous/Next buttons allow navigation between the questions in different screens. Each question can have different design of answers usinf wix design tools. Hebrew L2R and English R2L presets available.
Deze app is wereldwijd beschikbaar.
App ontwikkeld doorHuberman r.n ... Ltd.


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NC & MMC garfic & text answers
student Result table
predefined next/prev buttons
* De prijs is in USD.

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