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Humanz Lite
Door Humanz
Premium site vereist

Humanz Lite

Door Humanz
Boosting your influencer marketing
2.5 (2)
Premium site vereist

Humanz Lite overzicht

    Simple and affordable solution to measure the ROI of influencer marketing campaigns for your site
    Find influencers by interest category and compare their engagement rates
    Measure reach, engagement from your influencer posts
    Track traffic and sales from your influencer collaborations
The Humanz app is a great solution to drive traffic and sales to your websites using influencers. Using it, you'll be able to find relevant influencers using Humanz AI tool and track their sales. The Humanz app is a "lite" version of the full Humanz influencer marketing solution available on www.humanz.com Humanz is a data driven platform for large scale influencers campaigns. Its core product is a social intelligence tool for influencer campaign planning and management geared towards online merchants, marketers and agencies looking for reliable data, tools and benchmarks. The technology behind the platform is unique, based on two main sets of proprietary algorithms, providing the most advanced solution on the market for the largest problems faced when dealing with influencer marketing: accurate influencer data, fraud detection and ROI tracking. Find out more on www.humanz.com
Deze app is beschikbaar voor Verenigde Staten van Amerika en
Ondersteunde talen:
- Premiumpakket
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Premiumpakket Starter Plan


Up to 50 influencer searches
Up to 5 active influencers
Up to 20 contents insights
Links and sales tracking
Premiumpakket BASIC PLAN


Up to 200 influencer searches
Up to 50 active influencers
Up to 100 contents insights
Links and sales tracking
Premiumpakket PRO PLAN


Up to 600 influencer searches
Up to 200 active influencers
Up to 400 contents insights
Links and sales tracking
* Prijs is in USD.

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